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- ;-------T-------T------------------------T----------------------------------;
- ;This example blits a Worm from an IFF file onto a double buffered screen.
- ;The RESTORE mode is used to put the background back.
- INCDIR "GMSDev:Includes/"
- INCLUDE "dpkernel/dpkernel.i"
- ;===========================================================================;
- ;===========================================================================;
- MOVEM.L A0-A6/D1-D7,-(SP)
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- lea BackgroundFile(pc),a0
- moveq #ID_PICTURE,d0
- CALL Load
- move.l d0,PIC_Background
- beq .Exit
- ;Get screen.
- moveq #ID_SCREEN,d0
- CALL Get
- move.l d0,Screen
- beq .Exit
- ;Copy picture details to screen.
- move.l PIC_Background(pc),a0
- move.l PIC_Bitmap(a0),a2
- move.l Screen(pc),a1
- move.l #SCR_DBLBUFFER,GS_Attrib(a1)
- CALL CopyStructure
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Initialise the screen.
- move.l Screen(pc),a0 ;Initialise the screen.
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l d0
- beq .Exit
- move.l PIC_Background(pc),a0
- move.l PIC_Bitmap(a0),a0
- move.l Screen(pc),a1
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a1),a1
- CALL Copy
- move.l BLTBase(pc),a6
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- moveq #BUFFER2,d0
- moveq #BUFFER1,d1
- CALL bltCopyBuffer
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Initialise the restore object.
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- lea RestoreTags(pc),a0
- move.l Screen(pc),a1 ;a1 = Screen.
- CALL Init ;>> = Initialise the restore list.
- tst.l d0 ;d0 = Check for errors.
- beq.s .Exit ;>> = Error, exit.
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Load the bob file in. This contains the graphics data that we are
- ;going to draw to the screen.
- lea BBT_Rambo(pc),a0 ;a0 = Object.
- move.l Screen(pc),a1 ;a1 = Container.
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a1),a2
- move.l BMP_Palette(a2),BobPalette
- CALL Init ;>> = Initialise bob to screen.
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .Exit
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Load sounds and initialise joydata object.
- lea SMT_Rambo(pc),a0
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .Exit
- moveq #ID_JOYDATA,d0 ;Get joydata structure.
- CALL Get
- move.l d0,JoyData
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l d0,a0 ;Initialise the joydata structure.
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .Exit
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Display our screen and start the demo.
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL Display
- bsr.s Main
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Free the allocations.
- .Exit move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l SND_Rambo(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l BOB_Rambo(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l Restore(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l PIC_Background(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A6/D1-D7
- moveq #ERR_OK,d0
- rts
- ;===========================================================================;
- ;===========================================================================;
- SPEED = 5
- Main: moveq #$00,d7
- .Loop move.l DPKBase(pc),a6 ;a6 = DPKBase
- move.l Restore(pc),a0 ;a0 = Restore object.
- CALL Activate ;>> = Restore the backgrounds.
- move.l BOB_Rambo(pc),a0 ;a0 = Bob.
- CALL Draw ;>> = Blit the bob.
- move.l SCRBase(pc),a6 ;a6 = SCRBase.
- CALL scrWaitAVBL ;>> = Wait for vertical blank.
- move.l Screen(pc),a0 ;a0 = Screen
- CALL scrSwapBuffers ;>> = Swap video memory buffers.
- addq.w #1,d7
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l BOB_Rambo(pc),a1
- tst.b FireState
- bne.s .FireOn
- cmp.w #SPEED,d7
- ble.s .Move
- moveq #$00,d7
- addq.w #1,BOB_Frame(a1)
- cmp.w #9,BOB_Frame(a1)
- blt.s .Move
- clr.w BOB_Frame(a1)
- bra.s .Move
- .FireOn cmp.w #FIRESPEED,d7
- ble.s .Move
- moveq #$00,d7
- cmp.w #10,BOB_Frame(a1)
- bge.s .On
- move.w #9,BOB_Frame(a1)
- .On addq.w #1,BOB_Frame(a1)
- cmp.w #13,BOB_Frame(a1)
- blt.s .Move
- clr.w BOB_Frame(a1)
- clr.b FireState
- move.l SND_Rambo(pc),a0
- CALL Activate
- .Move move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- CALL Query
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- move.l BOB_Rambo(pc),a1
- move.w JD_XChange(a0),d0
- add.w d0,BOB_XCoord(a1)
- move.w JD_YChange(a0),d0
- add.w d0,BOB_YCoord(a1)
- move.l JD_Buttons(a0),d0
- btst #JB_LMB,d0
- beq.s .chkRMB
- st FireState ;Set fire to on.
- .chkRMB btst #JB_RMB,d0
- beq .Loop
- rts
- FireState:
- dc.b 0
- even
- ;===========================================================================;
- ; DATA
- ;===========================================================================;
- JoyData: dc.l 0
- Screen: dc.l 0
- PIC_Background: dc.l 0
- BackgroundFile: FILENAME "GMS:demos/data/PIC.Green"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- RestoreTags: dc.l TAGS_RESTORE
- Restore: dc.l 0
- dc.l RSA_Entries,1
- dc.l TAGEND
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BBT_Rambo: dc.l TAGS_BOB
- BOB_Rambo: dc.l 0
- dc.l BBA_GfxCoords,BobFrames
- dc.l BBA_Width,32
- dc.l BBA_Height,24
- dc.l BBA_XCoord,150
- dc.l BBA_YCoord,150
- dc.l BBA_ClipLX,32
- dc.l BBA_ClipRX,320-32
- dc.l BBA_ClipTY,32
- dc.l BBA_ClipBY,256-32
- dc.l BBA_SourceTags,ID_PICTURE
- dc.l PCA_Source,BobFile
- dc.l PCA_BitmapTags,0
- dc.l BMA_MemType,MEM_BLIT
- dc.l BMA_Palette
- BobPalette: dc.l 0
- dc.l TAGEND,0
- dc.l TAGEND,0
- dc.l TAGEND
- BobFrames: dc.w 0,00 ;0 GraphicX / GraphicY
- dc.w 32,00 ;1 ...
- dc.w 64,00 ;2
- dc.w 96,00 ;3
- dc.w 128,00 ;4
- dc.w 160,00 ;5
- dc.w 192,00 ;6
- dc.w 224,00 ;7
- dc.w 256,00 ;8
- dc.w 288,00 ;9
- dc.w 0,48 ;10
- dc.w 32,48 ;11
- dc.w 64,48 ;12
- dc.l -1
- BobFile: FILENAME "GMS:demos/data/PIC.Rambo"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- SMT_Rambo: dc.l TAGS_SOUND
- SND_Rambo: dc.l 0
- dc.l SA_Octave,OCT_C2S
- dc.l SA_Volume,100
- dc.l SA_Source,.file
- dc.l SA_Attrib,SDF_STOPLAST
- dc.l TAGEND
- .file FILENAME "GMS:demos/data/SND.Rambo"
- ;===========================================================================;
- ProgName: dc.b "Rambo Worm",0
- ProgAuthor: dc.b "Paul Manias",0
- ProgDate: dc.b "January 1998",0
- ProgCopyright: dc.b "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. Freely distributable.",0
- ProgShort: dc.b "Bob demo.",0
- even